A word on Ink Brush.
I use to do ALOT of this stuff in high school. I mean alot. I could never find a class in it so I had to teach myself. There is a great book called "the way of the brush" that was like nightly reading for me when i was like 15. I love stark compostions but i don't like it when the painting has no earthly subject. For examlple. I hate random shapes floating in space ( you can tell me and modern art don't mix well.) However that doesn't mean that it can be done well. Broadway Boogie-Woogie is a great painting . Typiclly, I find that if an artist has classical training in art their abstract art comes out much better.
I also like Xu Xi. A painter form china. For some reason when I look at his work I think Xerox transfers would look great with them. I would check out his NEw York series. I totally wish I could see the originals up close and personal.
Anyway, here are some other painting that I like :-)
Powerful brush of justice!!! I have a Hokusai sketchbook. It's a small book but one of my favorites. Such great drawing with a minimal amount of brush strokes. Keep posting man... the rabbit stuff is great!!
whoa lookie here at what i've found. dallas robinson is a blogger. or atleast has a blog. do you remember me from the ol' academy days?
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